On the threshold of 2025-which the Astro twins have declared as the "Year of the Divine Pendulum", we intend to consciously look to the planets for clues on the tapestry of influence they weave. Our human hearts have a triumphant capacity to accomplish personal sovereighnty while staying open, compassionate, tolerant, attuned to the needs of others and to the Earth herself --both as the home of our human family and as a living organism with her own destiny.
We are so honored to have the brilliant Tali Edut of the AstroTwins back with us today, our FIRST returning guest on the mindfulmedicina podcast!
Tali will give us the stars-eye-view on the progression of astrological influences that unfold in the year ahead, going in-depth on specific time periods, types of opportunities and challenges that we may face both individually, and together. She and her twin sister Ophira have their 2025 Horoscope book available providing forecasts for all 12 zodiac signs, key Hotspots dates and predictions for the world at large.
Ophira and Tali Edut (The AstroTwins) are among the most sought-after astrologers and intuitive advisors of our times. As the longtime resident astrologers for ELLE Magazine and the authors of over 20 books, they are the advisors to a roster of CEOs, celebrities, global leaders and successful entrepreneurs.
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