Deep Dance: INTO the Sun (Trilogy part 1)

Episode 3 August 02, 2023 01:14:58
Deep Dance: INTO the Sun (Trilogy part 1)
Deep Dance: INTO the Sun (Trilogy part 1)

Aug 02 2023 | 01:14:58


Hosted By

Dr. Jeannette Daneals Janell Hartman

Show Notes

For show notes visit: Into the Sun
Dr. Daneals aims to increase your solar competency and liberate the sun from false accusations of being an endangerment to health. The jury is out: The sun is innocent.
You'll find this discussion more elaborate than your typical "Go get some sun for vitamin D" talk.
The sun is an orchestra with many instrumental biological processes. Production of vitamin D is just one instrument strumming in the composition. The sunlight and melanin have perpetuated mammalian life on earth. It's an electric partner dance and you don't want to miss a beat!

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