Quest In: To T-Shot or Not?

Episode 7 September 12, 2023 00:51:43
Quest In: To T-Shot or Not?
Quest In: To T-Shot or Not?

Sep 12 2023 | 00:51:43


Hosted By

Dr. Jeannette Daneals Janell Hartman

Show Notes

for episode show notes visit: To T-Shot or Not?

Listners ask, We answer! Today's question:

"As a middle-aged man, I wonder about a healthy testosterone level for myself. I have many friends who are taking T injections and all of them swear by it. I am a bit more hesitant to lunge in. I want my body to age naturally without this (if possible). What are some other supplements/options?"

Dr. Daneals and Janell dive in to discuss a pharmeceutical vs. comprehensive lifestyle approach to maintianing vital levels of testosterone at any age. As always, these two offer their combined expertise spanning natural wisdom from both holistic western and eastern perspectives. Learn to avoid secret sources of sabotage and activate your virility via consistant routines around food, rest, breath, excercise and herbs.

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