Latest Episodes

Healing The Currency Paradigm with Hillary Augustine
If the topic of finances is a little tummy-turning, you are not alone. We have been programmed to think of money in very limited...

Near Infrared: Bring the Outdoor Light Back In
While accessories and apps for blocking blue light and adding some red light into your home are a step in the right direction for...

Near Death Experience: Medicine From The Other Side.
With Louisa Peck Life can be utterly confusing. We may try and seek answers outside of ourselves, attempt to end our pain with endless...

Deuterium: Your Mitochondria's Kryptonite
In today’s episode Dr. Sara Pugh shares the importance of understanding what’s in your water, including the varying hydrogen isotopes that make different water...

Science Based Evidence Based Ayurveda with Dr. Archana Ramola
Mindfulmedicina in India? It’s true. That happened. Hot on the heels of our conversation with Dr. Jack Kruse on the future of decentralized medicine...

Dr. Jack Kruse: Decentralized Medicine and Natural Law
What does it mean to "decentralize" medicine? In today's chat with Dr. Jack Kruse, we'll explore some of the foundational principles that define this...